Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ft. Jackson Day 3

Today has been the longest day so far. I had fire guard from 0400-0600, which wasn't so bad because wakeup was 0530. But I actually woke up abour 0330 and couldn't fall back to sleep. Then the sleep you get here isn't very deep. However, it doesnt seem to be too big of a problem. Normally I get 8 hours of sleep and I'm managing alright. Several people dozed off in class today though. It was mildly amusing to hear the drill sergeants get on them.

We started the day with a 1 mile assessment run on the track. It was freaking cold. My lungs were burning and my lips were frozen by the end.

Today was almost all classroom lecture. In the morning was some Army training. They love acronyms and describing every little step of every process. In the afternoon was first aid. Including some surprisingly graphic photos demonstrating tourniquet usage. Then we finished the day with more rifle skills training.

Tomorrow is a full battle rattle day. That means I have to do everything wearing this setup, which is heavier than it looks:

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