Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ft Jackson Day 5

A long damn day. Muster at 0520 in full battle rattle, breakfast at 0530. We spent the entire day ar the range. Which wasn't as fun as it sounds because you spend almost the entire time waiting on other people. We got back around 1815, grabbed some quick chow then back to the classroom for the end of the day. Got back to the barracks at 2000. My back is sore as heck from wearing the battle armor. Wakeup tomorrow is 0330 so I need to get my gear ready.

Oh yeah, it was cold out. At first it wasn't so bad because I dressed warm, but by the end of the day that I spend mostly sitting around, I was chilled to the bone. Hopefully we'll be back from the range by 1100 tomorrow for liberty. Also, they canceled half our liberty for sunday to do some computer exercise. I'm annoyed because they took so long to tell us. I suspect it's for no good reason other than someone being lazy or just not giving a damn. Welcome to the Army.

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