Wednesday, February 10, 2010


They tell you when you get here that you are going to be frustrated. Roger that - it's a war zone. What they conveniently leave out, is that you're going to be frustrated because some #*$$% doesn't want to do their job. Or perhaps many people aren't doing their jobs.

I found out yesterday that there is no good reason that I don't have a computer. They have more than 30 computers sitting in the connex next door for our use. And instead of setting up a computer for me, they are setting up new computers for the senior officers first.

So yeah, now I'm starting to get frustrated. I'm having a hard time giving them the benefit of the doubt. They are either grossly incompetent, or they just don't want us newcomers there. Whatever the reason, I'm frustrated that they took me from my family and job so I can spend most of my time watching T.V.. (And trust me, I have been proactive about trying to get a desk/chair/computer, to the point where they told me to just stop and wait.)

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